First trailer for American Hustle!!
Bale & gang look almost unrecognizable in their 80's getup!Does this movie look good?Will it be another critical hit for David O Russel & Bale?
David Russell will be reuniting with Bale& Amy Adams after FIGHTER ,and with Bradley Cooper & Jennifer Lawrence after last years Silver Lining Playbook.
The cast as you can see is power packed and will also include Jeremy Renner.The movie is based on a true story ,in which a Con-Artist (Bale) works with the FBI (Bradley) ,to uncover corruption in the Congress.
Bale looks completely different from his OUT OF THE FURNACE look.American Hustle is set to release on December 25th ,and Out of The Furnace on December 6th! December is gonna be one heck of a month for Bale Fans!