[a lovable little movie]
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)IMDB- 6.8
Rottentomatoes- 86%
RJG Rating- 80
Captain Pirate sets out for an adventure in search of treasure that could fetch him his life long wish.
Starring- Hugh Grant,Martin Freeman,David Tennant
Director- Peter Lord
Pirates is a claymation movie created by the makers of the hit Wallace & Gromit.
Animation is excellent and is the perfect choice for the movie.But it could have set up on a larger scale for such an adventurous movie.The animation also felt a bit rough and not as smooth as expected.
The story is what can usually be expected from a claymation movie.Its a bit weird but manages to deliver loads of fun.The story wasnt as clever or outstanding but it was funny.The main highlight were the brilliant set of characters.The story has its own set of twists and turns that make PiratesBOM an enjoyable movie.
Peter Lord, has done a great job in building up this movie.Its pace is even and the movie doesnt falter much.The movie is fun and adventurous from start to finish.
Overall ,Pirates is be a welcome change from the usual type of animated movies released this year.And thanks to its great characters its great fun.
Animation- 4/5
Story- 4/5
Direction- 4/5
Action- 4/5
Comedy- 4/5