[a childish & bland movie]
Hotel Transylvania (2012)IMDB- 7.1
Rottentomatoes- 43%
RJG Rating- 30
Count Dracula ,builds a lavish hotel to house the monsters from their
Starring- Adam Sandler,Andy Samberg,Selena Gomez
Director- Genndy Tartakovsky
Animation is quirky and colorful.The characters are nicely created ,but arent so great.Its the usual bland set of characters.It doesnt try to be innovative in any way and just settles for what is easily available.
The story is very poor.The concept was good but it was poorly built upon.It is too childish and doesnt take upon any twists.It actually is a poor mash up of various movies.From start to finish its predictable and there is absolutely nothing new.
Direction by Genndy Tartakovsky is poor.He takes the easy way out by catering this movie only for kids. And being a comedy-horror movie ,its neither.There is hardly anything funny throughout the duration of the movie.The pacing of the movie is fast though, it makes full utilization of its 90min.
Overall ,Hotel Transylvania is a poor movie but will be fun for the kids.
Animation- 3/5
Story- 1/5
Direction- 1/5
Action- 3/5
Comedy- 1/5