The Lord Of The Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
IMDB- 8.8
(Top 250 : #13) Rottentomatoes- 92%
RJG Rating-
A hobbit,undertakes a journey that would decide the fate of Middle Earth.
Starring- Elijah Wood,Ian McKellen,Viggo M,Sean Astin,Sean Bean
Director- Peter Jackson
Fellowship Of the Ring is the first part of the most epic trilogy of
all time- The Lord Of The Rings.The trilogy ,directed by Peter Jackson
is the adaptation of JRR Tolkien's books of the same name.
cast were lesser known actors back in 2001.Elijah Wood played the main
lead ,Frodo ,while Ian McKellan played Gandalf and Viggo Mortenson
played Aragorn.The shooting for LOTR was done at one continuous stretch
,for almost one and a half years.The movie also boasts of a large
supporting cast ,all of which have major roles to play.The acting from
all of them was outstanding.While much of the supporting cast dont have
much scenes to shine in the FOTR;Elijah ,Sean Austin (Samwise) ,Ian
Mckellan and Viggo give excellent performances.The bonding between the
cast is so powerful that it really enhances the movie and makes a
stronger connection with the viewers.
Being a large fantasy
novel ,LOTR has plenty of subplots and an equally big history within its
story.So Peter Jackson had to cut down much of the novel to restrict
the movies into 3-4 hour movies each.Many stories and characters that
had little to nothing to do with Frodo's journey was cut off.
those who havnt read the novel ,this isnt much noticeable since Peter
has done a fantastic job in presenting the shorter version.Each of the 3
movies are an epic tale in itself.FOTR is a beautiful story that not
only tells the beginning of the journey but also show some great
character development.
FOTR is more of an adventurous tale compared
to the battle oriented Two Towers & Return of the King (LOTR 2 &
3).Out of the 3 ,FOTR stands out as a much more peaceful movie.
The starting comparatively runs in a slow pace but it picks up speed within 40 min.
Peter Jackson's hard work and dedication to the project is very evident
while seeing the 3 movies.With LOTR he has certainly earned his spot
among the great directors of all time.FOTR is a 3.5 hr long movie
(Extended Version) , and Peter has shown some truly amazing stuff within
this span of time.
Another strong pillar of LOTR are the
gorgeous cinematography.It too is among the best.Capturing the lush
green fields and the enormous mountains of faraway and blending this
much beauty into a story such as LOTR is just outstanding.Such beauty
is definitely a feast for the eyes.The beauty of New Zealand is
something you wont be forgetting very soon once youve seen LOTR.
Music of FOTR is again great.Howard Shore captures the fantasy elements
of the LOTR world.From the peaceful tunes of the Shire to the quite
symphonies of the Elves to the war cries of Mordor ,everything hits the
Being a fantasy tale ,LOTR required some good amounts of
CGI and other visual effects.The CGI is perfect and doesnt go
overboard.The vast armies and exotic cinematography is wonderfully
blended into the real world.
But Jackson's choice for illusions
rather than CGI makes LOTR even more special in the history of
moviemaking.Much of the movie is an illusion played on the viewers.The
size difference between hobbits (short dwarf sized people) and wizards
(tall people) and other races may seem nothing great while watching the
movie ,but its mind bending when you actually know that all the main
actors are normal sized people on a set that is made in such a way as to
fool the eye.
But this is just one of the tricks Peter Jackson
conjures.In Two Towers he introduces a character that will set the
standards for CGI even a decade after LOTR!
On release ,FOTR
earned worldwide praise for its style and presentation and for the
adaptation of such a large novel and was an instant blockbuster earning
more than $870million worldwide.
FOTR sets the grand stage for the next two epic movies ,but it remains an unforgettable adventurous experience.A must watch.
Acting- 4.5/5
Story- 5/5
Direction- 5/5
Action- 5/5
Drama- 5/5
Visual Effects- 5/5
Academy Award-Oscars
Nominated-- 9
Best Film
Best Director - Peter Jackson
Best Supporting Actor - Ian McKellan
Best Adapted Screenplay -Peter Jackson ,Fran Walsh ,Philippa Boyens
Best Film Editing
Best Art Direction
Best Costume Design
Best Music ,Original Song - "May It Be" by Enya,Nicky & Roma Ryan
Best Sound
Won-- 4
Best Cinematography -Andrew Lesnie
Best Visual Effects
Best Makeup
Best Music ,Original Score -Howard Shore