[action packed visual delight]
John Carter (2012)
Rotten tomatoes-52
RJG Rating-80
John carter a Civil War veteran from Virginia is accidentally teleported to Mars,where a war is going on between 2 tribes.
Starring- Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins.
Director- Andrew Stanton
John carter was one of Disney's biggest movies of 2012.Its a visual feast for the eyes.The movie is the adaptation of the famous story "Princess Of Mars" written by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Taylor Kitsch & Lynn Collins give a decent performance as Carter & the princess respectively.They arent outstanding but they arent bad either.The supporting cast too has no main highlights so to speak.The movie gives more priority to the effects than concentrate on the emotions of the characters.
Story too wasnt anything great or spectacular but it did have an epic feel to it.
Andrew Stanton ,the acclaimed director of Pixar masterpieces Finding Nemo & Wall-E ,has handled the movie of such epic proportions quite well.But unfortunately the heart of this movie seems to be missing.Another problem that might lag viewers is the beginning part ,which is a bit slow since the audience has to be introduced to John Carter's earthly life. But once the Martian landscape is seen, the pace never goes down again and the real adventure begins.
The main highlights of this movie are its Visuals and its action sequences.All the fights are top class and keep the viewers at the edge of their seats.
The Martian landscape & the CGI characters are all realistic and blends flawlessly with the storyline.
The movie was meant to be the start of a trilogy but considering its failure at the box office,this might be the only John Carter we might see for a long time.
Overall this movie is definitely a fun movie to watch with friends.Action junkies will love this.
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