RJG Rating-95
Two pairs of parents have a meeting after their sons get into a fight.
Starring- Jodie Foster,Kate Winslet,Christoph Waltz,John C. Reilly
Director- Roman Polanski
Carnage is a comedy movie..But it doesn't involve slapstick humour or over the top gags...The comedy exists purely in the dialogue and the way its presented by the cast..
The cast is solid...What else can you expect when 3 out of 4 are previous Oscar winners..Everyone puts their best acting performance up on screen..And its just beautiful to see how each one dishes out such flawless performance..When you feel as if one actor steals the show,the other will immediately follow it up with an equally engaging act...Just their facial expressions are enough for the comedy to take effect..
Story is also quite strong...The history of each character is brought forward through dialogues and phone calls...The story never loses pace even though nothing much happens..
Direction is top-notch...Roman Polaski (director of The Pianist) gives another gem through Carnage...Just with a span of 80 min he is able to capture the audiences attention..The strength of the movie can be seen how it happens in real time (no cuts ,flash backs etc) ,takes place most of the time in the living room of the flat, and solely relies on the actors performances...In the second half,even when the discussions are serious the humour is still in the air..
Carnage has just one minor flaw (not really),the abrupt end..Its not a flaw if you consider its artistic relevance, but i wanted the show to keep going on...
Carnage is a must-watch...But if you are the sort who like only comedies with a lot of physical humour and gags this may not interest you..
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