[another over the top superhero movie]
Iron Man 2 (2010)IMDB- 7.1
Rottentomatoes- 75%
RJG Rating- 40
Ivan Vanko vows to make the Stark family pay for what they did to his father.
Starring- Robert Downey Jr. ,Mickey Rourke ,Sam Rockwell
Direction- Jon Favreau
Jon Favreau returns to direct this sequel of the hit 2008 movie ,Ironman.The movie's events takes place just a couple of months after the ending of the first part.
In the acting department ,Robert steals the show once again.Although i felt his performance in the first movie was better.Anyways Robert is the life of the movie and any scene without him his lackluster.Mickey Rourke plays Whiplash/Ivan and is the primary villain.But he is just terrible.He gives an utterly drunken performance and his dialogues are barely heard through his sluggish delivery.As a villain he is a complete failure.Sam Rockwell plays a competitor of Tony Stark ,and he gives a good performance.Don Cheadle replaces Terence Howard as Rhodes.Terence had a done a great job in the first movie and his replacement was completely unnecessary.While Don is a good actor ,he fails to fill the shoes of Terence and ends up as another poor actor in this movie.The women ,Gwyneth & Scarlett dont have much to do.Scarlett has just one fight scene ,and the rest is of her walking here and there with a fake European accent.
The story for Iron Man 2 is ambitious and tries to include Starks alcoholic problems (which was a major story arc in the comics) ,but it turns out to be a stumbling block for the movie.The entire alcoholic event is wrapped up in one scene which makes it seem like a forced execution.The rest of the story is very poor.The villain,Whiplash is a poorly drawn up character and is pretty useless.The solution to Stark's problem was another easy escape for the writers.
Jon Favreau makes a mess of whatever he had managed to accomplish in the first Iron Man.He tries to force too much stuff into the film and this caused it to get bloated.The lighter side of Tony Stark makes way for a darker tale,which was very poorly inserted ,thanks to the underdeveloped characters.
Overall , die hard fans of the first Iron Man will probably like it ,but its a disappointment for others.
Acting- 2/5
Story- 2/5
Direction- 1/5
Action- 3.5/5
Nominated - 1
Best Visual Effects