An unemployed father tries to make ends meet as his life hit rock bottom....
Starring- Will Smith ,Jaden Smith ,Thandie Newton Director- Gabriele Muccino
Pursuit of Happyness is a kind of movie that inspires & motivates you.Its based upon the true story of Chris Gardner.
The whole movie is carried off by Will Smith..An actor known for his
comic and action based roles ,Will Smith suprised everyone with his
emotionally powerful role as Chris Gardner.. The story is heart warming and never enters a dull phase thanks to the charismatic Will Smith.. The second half is extremely note-worthy as it rockets Will Smith into his best performances till date.. A must watch...
Dr.Jung treats his most volatile patient ,Sabrina using his mentors,Dr.Sigmund Freud's method.
Starring - Viggo Mortensen ,Michael Fassbender ,Keira Knightley Director - David Cronenberg
Dangerous Mind is a historical movie about the ideologies of the 2 famous doctors, Jung & Sigmund...
Even though it was well directed the movie was plain boring..most parts
of the movie are lengthy discussions and debates about the 2 main
ideologies... Acting by the main cast was just average..Keira was a
bit over the top,while Viggo kept it simple and boring while Micheal
provided a great performance.. The movie will be enjoyed by stodents of psychoanalysis ,but its just too plain and boring for the rest...