[Action packed & Unlimited Fun]
Marvel's The Avengers (2012)
IMDB -8.8 (Top 250: #30)
Rotten Tomatoes -93
RJG Rating-90
A group of superheroes have to unite in order to take down an Intergalactic attack that aims to destroy the Earth.
Starring- Robert Downey Jr.,Chris Evans,Mark Ruffalo,Chris
Hemsworth,Scarlett Johansson,Jeremy Renner,Tom Hiddleston,Samuel L.
Directing- Joss Whedon
Avengers had one of the
longest marketing technique used in the movie industry.Its marketing
started way back in 2008 with the release of Iron-Man.After 4 years and 5
movies later, that movie is finally released.The Avengers fulfills all
the expectations that were raised in this 4 year duration.All the main
actors have returned (except Edward Norton ,replaced by Mark Ruffalo for
The Hulk) ,and the story is fun ,witty and action packed.
biggest drawbacks most star-studded movies encounter is giving the
comparatively more famous actor the biggest chunk of role.Thankfully
this was not the deal for Avengers.All the main heroes (IronMan,Captain
America ,Thor & Hulk) got equally big as well as important part in
the story.The secondary actors (Nick Fury & Black Widow) were not
brushed off ,and even with all the superheroes getting the good parts
,these 2 still had major roles.The only character felt unused and a bit
expendable was Hawkeye.
This speaks volumes of how the story has been handled.Juggling 6-7 heroes and giving each ample screentime is no easy task.
In the acting department ,Robert Downey stole the show as he usually
does.He was born to play IronMan.In every scene he appears he is in
total style and gives IronMan his soul.
Both Chris Evans(Captain
America) & Chris Hemsworth (Thor) were not bad.Both did equal
justice to their roles.Tom Hiddleston (Loki) delivered yet another
excellent villainous role ,similar to the one he did in Thor.Scarlett
Johansson (Black Widow) had a surprisingly longer and major role and she
too gives her best.Jeremy Renner (HawkEye) was too rigid ,this may be
due to his role not being fully fledged.Samuel J(Nick Fury) was good.
But the true show stealer was Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk.The Hulk will
indeed be EVERYONE's favourite character once they have seen
Avengers.Every scene & action scene by Hulk is just Pure
Story as i previously said is truly noteworthy
because of the huge juggling acting of giving each Hero their own
connection with the movie.But in terms of story telling ,it falters just
a bit.The story makes way for the action and takes the backseat.While
the first half concentrates on the story ,the second is completely
action based.
Action scenes are superb.The numerous fight
scenes,hero vs hero,hero vs hoardes ,heroes vs the villain ,ALL are
properly choreographed and exciting.
Direction was great.The
way Joss Whedon managed to direct this movie with these many superheroes
and mixing them and giving one solid movie is truly remarkable.On the
downside the first half was riddled with pacing issues.Some dragging
scenes in the first half drained the excitement after some great
fights.But once the Hulk appears ,the movie just blasts off to high
levels of awesomeness never to go down again.The real Avengers movie
starts with The Hulk and ends with him too.
The dialogues were witty and funny ,and Robert Downey's style of delivery & Hulk's grunts of words steal many scenes away.
Overall Avengers is a colourful,funny,action packed movie that delivers
its promise of a United Super Heroes movie.The movie might not be
legendary ,but The Hulk & Robert Downey will not be forgotten. A
must watch movie.