[beautiful yet thrilling]
Stoker (2013)
IMDB- 7.4
RottenTomatoes- 67%
RJG Rating- 95
After her father's death ,his brother Charlie ,comes to stay with India and her mother.
Starring- Mia Wasikowska,Matthew Goode,Nicole Kidman
Director- Chan-wook Park
The movie is powered by some excellent performances.First we have ,Mia Wasikowska.Stoker is not only her best performances to date ,but also one of the best of 2013.The whole movie is largely dependent on the performances of the actors, and Mia does her best in the weirdish type role.Mathew Goode plays Uncle Charlie ,and this is another strong acting you can expect from the movie.He plays the mysterious role perfectly with enough charisma.Nicole Kidman ,who is the more famous one amongst the entire movie ,only manages to do an okay job.
The story is a slow and mysterious thriller.Its fresh and will keep you guessing at all points.Rather than being a complete horror / thriller movie that most movies of this genre try to become ,Stoker instead relies on closely telling the story of the lead character ,India (Mia W).The way the story unfolds is also quite interesting.You would be expecting something else but Stoker still manages to twist stuff up.I was surprised to know that it was written by Wentworth Miller (lead actor from Prison Break).Its certainly any excellent start for him as a writer.
Direction by Park Chan-wook (most notable for his movie Oldboy) ,is excellent.He has tried the whole vampire concept with his earlier movie Thirst ,but Stoker cannot be categorized under that genre although it resembles it too closely.Park brings the best out of his cast and gives Stoker a beautiful style of presentation.Its pace is slow but quite steady.The movies intensity rises with each minute and the final portion was quite shocking.
Overall ,Stoker isnt for casual viewers ,nor for those who are expecting a horror movie either.Its easily one of the best movies of this year.
Acting- 4.5/5
Story- 4.5/5
Direction- 5/5
Drama- 5/5
Thriller- 4.5/5