Thursday, May 17, 2012

Episodes [02x01]

Episodes [02x01] Episode One Rating - <unavailable>
RJG Rating- 9.5

Episodes is about a pair of British writers shifting to LA to make an Americanised version of their British show.

After the ending in Season 1 ,which showed the 'Pucks!' pilot episode being selected for airing, this episode shows how the writers have moved on from the incidents of Season1.

Season 1 of this show was awesome,so i thought of adding it up to my list of TV reviews.The starting episode from Season 2 continued the awesome vibe of Season 1.It was funny in the quiet way and Matt LeBlanc was awesome.

Person Of Interest [1x20]

Person Of Interest [1x20] Matsya Nyaya
TV com Rating-9.2
RJG Rating-10

Reese and Finch keep an eye out for their next POI ,a worker for an armoured car service.

POI still manages to pull of twists and turns.This episode was pretty amazing.The backstory of Reese was nicely laid out and Fusco too had a great role in this one.Even after 20 episodes POI shows it has plenty of fuel left to keep the audience at the end of their seats.

How I Met Your Mother [7x23-24]

How I Met Your Mother [7x23-24] The Magician's Code
TV com rating-8.3 & 8.6
RJG rating-8 & 9

The finale is a 2 part episode.The first is about the birth of Marshall & Lilly's baby, the final part is about Ted's second chance with Victoria and Barney & Quinn leaving for a vacation to Hawaii.

The first episode was a pleasant one ,with a couple of new stories being thrown around.Another fun thing was the whole Barney & Marshall's attempt to reach the hospital.

The second part started out slow but it immediately increased its pace in the final moments.There was some fresh jokes with the newborn baby ,and the whole hunt for Ted's wife took a new turn ,and Barney was back to his 'legendary' acts.But once again the show couldnt resist pulling out a cliffhanger at the season finale.

(click to read more,but beware of Spoilers)
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