[action-packed from start to finish]
Safe House (2012)IMDB- 6.9
Rotten tomatoes- 54
RJG Rating- 65
Tobin Frost ,a wanted man by the CIA ,voluntarily hands himself over to the government.
Starring- Denzel Washington,Ryan Reynolds
Director- Daniel Espinosa
Denzel Washington & Ryan Reynolds are the main stars of the show and they both shoulder the movie quite equally.Both are in control and neither overtake the other.
But both do plenty of overacting.Its hard to say who does it more ,Denzel or Ryan .
Story isnt too great ,but its not bad either.It has enough material for the 2hr length ,but the story isnt the priority ,its the action scenes.
Direction is good.The pacing of the movie is great.Its non-stop action from the start to the end.The action scenes are exciting and intense.But this costs the movie much of its story.
Overall ,Safe House isnt exactly a must watch but it definitely should be on the "must watch" list of action junkies.Its a fun movie for time-pass.